More 1940 Graham Supercharger History

Greg Zyla
In a back issue of Auto Round-Up, I read your article about the 1940 Graham Supercharger. I have a 1940 Graham Supercharger car and I would like to know what it’s worth. The supercharger is designed and built by Graham and has a serial number of F82857. Thanks much, Dan Salamida, Newark Valley, New York.

A: Dan, I’d advertise it in Auto Round-Up and on their website and I’ll bet you sell it quick. These superchargers are rare pieces nowadays, and as for price, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what the going price for one is. I’d also recommend contacting the Graham Owner's Club-International, which is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of all Graham vehicles. The club has been around since 1971, you can check them out at and you’ll find a host of Graham parts suppliers that I am sure would be willing to talk to you. Good luck and let us know if you sell your supercharger. If any reader out there is interested, contact me and I’ll put you in touch with Dan.
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