Charleston Boulevard Rod Run & Doo Wop History

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Over the years, many people have thought and talked about a significantly-sized antique and classic car show somewhere in Charleston, WV. There have been many large car shows from time to time like the annual Mustang Club, Golden Oldies and Corvette Club car shows being hosted at the state capitol of West Virginia. These car shows have drawn hundreds of vehicles in the past. One of the first relatively large car shows in the downtown area was the East Coast Pontiac Show on Magic Island in 2002.

The most recent concept of a large car show festival in Charleston was born during a conversation between Charleston Mayor Danny Jones and Mark Wolford during a classic car parade that was part of a Mustang Club car show at the state capitol. The year was 2004. Some months after this conversation five people got together and discussed the idea and concepts. They were: Mark Wolford, Randy Easter, Lloyd McIntyre, Rusty Flowers and Terry Bragg.
After that meeting area car clubs and interested individuals had an evening meeting in the "War Room" at city hall. During this first meeting the overall concepts of a four day car show festival were discussed and the name of this car show event took many forms. By the meetings end the name of the Charleston Boulevard Rod Run and Doo Wop reigned in the most votes. Fourteen months later the first Rod Run and Doo Wop was born.
To learn more about the Charleston Boulevard Rod Run & Doo Wop, click here visit their website today.
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