Carlisle Events Spring Swap Meet Show Reaches Settlement

Earlier in the week, the Pennsylvania Health Department filed a lawsuit against Carlisle Events in response to a large event that is about to take place in Carlisle, PA.  The annual swap meet was in jeopardy of not happening, when attention was drawn to the event that is expecting at least 100,000 car collectors migrating to the area, with as many as 250,000.
Currently, the state of Pennsylvania has a limit of 250 people per gathering, so attention was drawn to this large collector car hobby event that was about to take place, due to the concerns about COVID-19 and the spread of the coronavirus.
We were just informed that a settlement was reached over the lawsuit regarding the Spring Carlisle Swap Meet & Car Show.  The state of Pennsylvania has withdrawn the suit as a settlement was reached.
No further details have been provided, however, it is safe to assume at this point that the event will occur with PA state safety guidelines in place.
If you will be attending this event, be sure to follow all safety guidelines issued by the state of Pennsylvania, as well as the guidelines issued by the CDC.
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