Q: Greg, I own a 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-door sedan with the 6-cylinder spitfire engine. The car is completely factory original with only 36,000 actual miles. This car has not been modified in any way and has the original factory paint. It has been rated as excellent, so what would be a fair market value of this car? Thank you. Thomas R., Lovilia, Iowa.
A: Thomas, your Chrysler Windsor, 125.5-inch wheelbase model second series is worth $16,700 in some price guides, and only $7,600 in excellent shape in others. I'd say somewhere in the middle is about right. Chrysler also built a 139.5-inch limo and sedan model, but from looking at the photo you sent me, it looks to be the smaller version and in excellent shape. The 139.5-inch wheelbase models go for $18,000 to a low of $10,000. You don't mention if you want to sell it, but if you do, good luck. You have a beautiful car.