Are the Interior Parts the Same in the 1959 Ford and the 1959 Edsel?

Greg Zyla
Q: I own a 1959 Edsel Ranger 4-door sedan. The door panels are rough and need to be replaced.

I am aware that the 1959 Ford had similar mechanical parts as the 1959 Edsel Ranger, including engines, rears and transmissions, but are any of the interior parts the same? I might have a better chance to find door panels from a 1959 Ford than an Edsel. My Edsel is two-tone green, and I would like to get as close as possible. I don't have a computer to do research, but I do receive Auto Round-Up Magazine every other week. I know you have helped many people and will wait for a response. Thanks a lot, Jack Ressler, Fairview, PA.

A: Jack, you should have no problem finding Edsel parts for your car. In addition to the Auto Round-Up Magazine you read, I recommend you also purchase the latest issue of Classic Car Round-Up, available on your newsstand or ask a friend to go to to order an issue. 

These two collector car publications will make it easy for you to find door panels as many advertisers or car collectors specialize in the parts you need.  You're but a phone call away to an Edsel specialist that will assist you.

As for expanding on the part interchangeability, by 1959 Ford knew it's Edsel was flopping big time, and they started using even more and more of the Ford and Mercury parts in the Edsel vehicles. Then in 1960, the Edsel was pretty much a Ford sans a different grille and rear taillight setup.

I, too, own a 1959 Edsel Ranger, although mine is a two-door with a 292 V8 and a three on the tree. I plan to replace the engine this year or have it rebuilt as it has seen its better days, although the body is in good shape as is the interior (needs new paint).

On the positive side of owning a "car industry flop,"  the Edsel continues to be one of the most popular attractions at car shows across America because of its "failure" status. Personally, I love my Edsel, and need to find some more time to work on it.

Thanks for the letter, and you'll find literally hundreds of companies that can supply you with the parts you need in Auto Round-Up Magazine. Good luck, and send me some pictures of your car.
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